I just want to say that those deodorants make me smell like a freshly roadkilled skunk, so I 💯 feel this share🐙

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My massage therapist said that when she switched to the natural deodorant, she had a rash for a couple weeks because her body was detoxing, but since then she's been rash free. But the funk.. that stays. She just puts more on after a few hours.

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I like Secret.

So fun fact. I remember when the whole deoderent causes cancer came out. It was when I was working in an organic chemistry lab doing molecular cancer research. The “paper” that came out said that the active ingredient has higher concentration in cancerous cells near armpits. *only correlation no causation*. You'd be amazed how much horrid science gets published. Or maybe not. Its sensential and sells. Anyway. Exceptttttt this also forgets a major thing…see…the anticancer molecule I was working on was a very positive charged one for use in photodynamic therapy. Its a nifty thing. See, normal cells are pretty balanced but cancer cells have relatively quite a “negative charge”. So you can create molecules with high “positive charge” which are up-taken readily into cancer cells, and not in healhy normal cells. These molecules are designed so when light hits them, they destroy the cancer cells - basically targeted radiation therapy you can think of it as. Normal cells unscathed, cancer cells dead. Why is this important? The active ingredient in “classic deodorants” like secret have decent positive charge. Soooooo. Of course cancer cells have some in them. Same way as photodynamic therapy works. Correlation=/=Causation. Use that secret! :D

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I have the same issue!! I never have odor issues with other deodorants but the aluminum free expensive ones? Awful.

I have found one that works great, my guess is bc it’s basically just a salt block so it’s preserving my skin? I dunno. It works great on me and my very sweaty outdoor working husband.

CRYSTAL Deodorant Stick (30003), Unscented, 4.25 Ounce, White https://a.co/d/hvrWZAG

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I learned my lesson the hard way with trying to be like those innanet folk. Glass skin/Korean skin care is all the rage in the black girl beauty groups. Tried something new and ended up with a chemical burn on my face. Fast forward a couple of months and I get a sunburn on my freshly grown skin and now I feel like death again. Screw these people, I’m full of chocolate...my face ain’t supposed to be see through

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I tried almost every natural deodorant I could for years and finally had to give up because I was a sweaty 🥵 stinky mess, especially in this humid Southern heat, and was beyond tired of it! I started using Degree I don’t even know when now, months, a year, something lol, and haven’t looked back. I put it on after my shower at night and again in the morning before I get dressed and it works.

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