This gets me thinking about how one of my autistic sons learned to spell before learning to read. Thank you!

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I appreciate you sharing your family's experiences, because I know there are more out there who are experiencing the same thing. It continues to baffle me, though, that anyone can see the results that Aidan has achieved and still say what you're doing doesn't work. How can anyone deny your actual lived experiences? Not only deny, but argue that they aren't real? I can only imagine the frustration and anger you must feel.

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the 'specialists' as usual. the horses with flaps over their eyes. Use what ever works for you. You can safely neglect all the rest.

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Wow! This is a powerful message! My wish is your sweet boy's successes be honored, as your bold fierce love for him shines on! Bless you! :)

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I am a Deaf person who has struggled mightily with SLPs from two years old. Who does speech therapy for Deaf children? SLPs. Who understands very little about Deaf children and adults? SLPs. Yeah.

And as someone who has two progressive neurological diseases and now has lost most of my ability to speak English with my voice and to sign American Sign Language with my hands, wow does everything you’ve said resonate deeply with me. I now use an AAC to well, type to communicate, and that’s spelling too.

SLPs are still horrible to deal with, to find someone who will work with me both as a Deaf person and as an intelligent person who struggles mightily to use and to coordinate my body so that I can communicate better, never mind to so as my whole authentic self. It took us three years to find that perfect person. And so many tries it was demoralizing.

Thank you. For sharing, for being someone who understands. I wish that no one else would understand,because that means others are suffering too. But if others must, I’m glad we can understand each other and be able to run across each other on the internet.


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As a speech pathologist and a mother of a nonverbal autistic son, thank you. You said this more eloquently than I could have.

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Brilliant! Can’t imagine how this resistance must be for parents / care-givers. We’re moving into a new paradigm. See you there 😎✌️

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Agree! Chasing down the naysayers is an exhausting waste of time.

Congratulations on the progress and accomplishments you've made with your son!

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Brilliant! Finally someone who talks my language. Thank you for being brave and strong to repost!!!!

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I watched the documentary, The Spellers, and I was so amazed! It gave me so much hope for kids with autism! You are such an advocate for your son! I love it!!

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This is a brilliant piece of writing - and so spot on!

"I am not asking for your approval. We don’t need it. Our children don’t need it. But we deserve respect. Our families deserve to be heard."

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Beautifully said!!! Hope everybody around our kids read it, that would change our world!!!!

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