Jul 2, 2022Liked by Tiffany "Tiffy" Hammond

I try to make a delineation of the weekend bc otherwise it all just flows together and crushes me. My husband always makes sure I get to sleep in one of the days and I do the same for him. I try to limit my weekend chores to just laundry and grocery shopping, only cleaning/organizing something if I actually want to and it would make me feel good, not bc it needs doing. I also try to protect our family energy, as I know my son and I feel the weight of expectations and appts and to dos during the week, so we don’t plan to go or do anything unless we absolutely have to or actually feel the desire to do so. Covid actually helped me break off a lot of unrealistic and unhelpful rhythms and we are in no rush to go back to them.

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i love this. all of this. thank you. this actually helps me to look at the things that i am doing and what i could be re-evaluating.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Tiffany "Tiffy" Hammond

For me it definitely blends into all the other days, especially in the summer. I’ve been a SAHP for over 11yrs now so when my oldest is in school, I do try to treat the weekends as special days. But in the summer it all just flows and I often lose track of days.

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