
It started for me recently with the photos of my son's peers getting their driver's licenses. I know next year, I will need a break from social media so I don't see the prom and graduation photos. While our path is different, I wanted you to know, I understand what you are feeling.

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My oldest is homeschooled and I’m considering a GED path for her. It makes me scared for her, guilty for not being able to do more and unsure of what the right answer is. It sucks.

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I have these feelings from time to time. Then I realize there really is no reason my child couldn’t participate if there were proper supports and offerings. We just moved 2,000 miles to a much more inclusive location and while it’s still not as good as what’s offered to typical kids it’s so much better. Those feelings diminished a bit as we found more options, options everyone should have.

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There is no reason we couldn’t all participate, if it were all structured so differently. That’s the real tragedy. Everyone’s loss.

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I think, for me at least, maybe other parents too, it's not really specific societal expectations and traditions, it's the sense of belonging.

I'd like for myself, and for my kids, to feel a sense of belonging. Being introverted doesn't negate loneliness.

I hope your boys find that in anything/something. Regardless of norms, whatever it is, they deserve meaningful connections . Sending good vibes your way

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It's hard not to feel sad about these things when the world doesn't want to give us a roadmap with milestones when it comes to people with disabilities. It's normal to worry about the future for your children when other kids have this clear path and yours don't. I'm grateful for writing like yours (and Danny With Words, and Diary of a Mom, and others) for making that path a little less unknown to me and my elementary-school aged kid.

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