
I'm so sorry people responded negatively. I saw what you shared and loved every second for you and your family, but mostly Aidan. My first thought was 'He's got this!!' He already knows all this, but like working out in a gym, he just needed a really good personal trainer. It really is a full body effort. I hope you all are able to continue to move forward.

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Aidan and Tiffany,

Thank you, as always, for sharing the work with us… I am jealous of your time with Soma! Thank you for the reminder that came packaged in that video and in this written piece…. Hard work is worth it. Small actions build strong foundations. And only the people in the actual shoes at that moment can know the pain and glory of every effort. Because of your work, I’m dusting off my RPM books and getting back to it. Thank you. The work is not in vain.

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I appreciate the share and videos. I also understand the reluctance to share more. You share plenty that is helpful and revelatory for so many. With you on this RPM journey as well with our non-speaking kiddo (4th session is happening rn..) -Joe

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You are doing a great job. You love your son and are his defender when needed. Keep up the outstanding work. Hugs and more hugs!

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I am so sorry people missed the entire point & shit on your moment & your intention. I was thrilled to get the insights that I got & thrilled for you & Aidan. (My brother is Adain, so I always struggle to spell your Aidan’s name!) People like Soma threaten every possible tenet of who should be leading who & who might be an actual expert of what — & then there’s the part where the work is going to look different for differently disabled people — I don’t know why people struggle so much to get outside their own paradigms, but regardless of why, it’s truly disappointing that anyone following you would be so quick to comment how they did. I hope that you can hear those of us who are grateful for all that you share, grateful to feel like we’re in community with you & Aidan.

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